Monday, July 10

Appraisal is done

The lady from the appraisal place was here today, checking, measuring and making notes on the house. She said in passing that our tax estimated value was high, and I think when I get a copy of this appraisal she did, I will run to the courthouse to the assessor's office, and ask to compare. If they're estimating taxes on a house that they've estimated to be worth $30,000 more than it really is, then that's a big difference in the amount of taxes we pay, and I want that fixed.

Other than that, everything was fine, I mentioned to her that the downstairs bathroom will be finished in 2 weeks when my father-in-law comes up, that JP and I were in the middle of remodeling when he got called up... Little fib, but she said that she would just call it a full bath then. Mom brought up a good point too, if we were appraising the house to sell it, it would actually have to be done, but since it's just for the refi, it will be ok.

The kids were great today, with the exception of Eric. Big helpers with the housecleaning, but Eric was a jerk. He was whining and complaining about cleaning his room, didn't want to do it, and while Alex and Emma were outside playing because they had finished their rooms, he threw a tantrum and I just put a stop to it. Had to really lay into him, and that's so not what he was looking for. He wanted sympathy and he wanted to be let off the hook. Sorry bucko, it has to be done, and it has to be done NOW... Yeah, I wasn't his favorite person for the rest of the day, at least until I made fish sticks for supper...Fickle little bugger he is.

I have to figure out a way to ship JP's truck to him... It's pretty big, and I want to be sure it doesn't break in transit. It's nice though, it's a Dodge Ram (with a Hemi!) black with purple and yellow graphics, nice rollbar and big fat tires... And of course, full function radio control. He can drive that little bugger all over the sand over there. He deserves a truck, and this is all I can give him for now... Maybe when he gets home we can start looking for a real one for him. Minus the gaudy graphics though, I bet!!

ok, that's it, I'm tired, and I have to take the girls out one last time before I can go to bed. I love you JP, I miss you so much.

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