Monday, May 18

Rockin' robin

I had a battle this weekend with a robin... you know, tweet, tweet, bird.
Bitch decided that the light under my awning, right by my back door was the PERFECT spot for her to build a nest. Not.
I wouldn't mind if she was just going to have the little robin eggs and sweet little baby birds... THAT would be fine.
But she would sit on the edge of the nest and poo off the side. Right onto my back steps.

So I put a pop can up there on Friday, trying to block her constant efforts to create the nest.

She kept trying to work around the can, and I kept knocking it down... using a hockey stick.

By Sunday afternoon, the silly bitch gave it up and moved it to the pine tree in the back yard.
I win.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whipping out the hockey stick...this bitch would leave too!!