In a slump
Those of you who read this and also see my Facebook snips will notice that I have been having issues with stupid the last week or so. Just feeling very bitter towards stupid people and how they insist on coming in to my personal space and being stupid near me.
I really wish I could hear something on that job I applied for, something to shake things up, maybe make me get excited about getting up in the morning.
Going back to the gym for the month of May has helped me get up in the morning, so that's one little thing.
We got our mortgage refinanced last week, other than the immense stupidity that I faced dealing with those people, it was a good thing... good now that it's over, and my mortgage payment has gone down. The savings will be thrown at the truck payment to knock that down... gotta put that on the fast track for a few months, get us out of being upside down on it, so we can refi the loan, and get it out of my mom's name. After we do that, it's back to the plan.
Speaking of the plan, it's one step forward, two steps back. Remember (not that long ago!) I was all happy because the first one bit the dust... our anytime credit account attached to our checking was paid off... well, with the refi and the remodeling, it's back to damn near maxed out... as of today. SONOFABIATCH...
So I've been in the dumps lately about finances, but I am trying to see the light at the end of the tunnel...
The pups will be ready to leave us in about 10 days... seems like just yesterday they were born, and now they're so big, and eating puppy food soaked in milk, and their mommy is no longer needed for nourishment... they're big kids now!
So all I need is to finish the bedrooms downstairs, pay off the bill I JUST HAD PAID OFF, (little bitter there, too!) get a new job, and get caught up on the bill paying plan, then maybe I will be a little more cheerful...
Hey, a girl can dream!