Wednesday, May 31

Busy Day

This was a rare day, mom has the day off, she works tonight, and I don't have anything planned, so we made it a "project finish day". We put the finishing touches on Alex's desk unit, installed his closet rods and stained the veneer tape for the edging. It looks so nice, almost like a professional did the job... Nope, just 2 women with power tools!

We also spent quite a bit of time out in the sun porch. I don't know if I mentioned that we had gone down to the Cities a few weeks ago, and Steven took us to the ReUse Center. I bought a bathroom style cabinet, about 8 feet long, and a counter top about 10 feet long. Now I have storage in my sun porch for all the kids' summer toys, the dogs' toys, and all those little things that I never knew where they belonged. I can't believe that adding a large piece of furniture to a room would actually make it seem bigger, but it really does. I was just out there, after we got a bunch of the clutter squared away...amazed at the "bigness" of it.

I still want to get some shelves put up out there, but that can wait, a bit. Mom is heading to work shortly, and I want to get some work done on the tool room while she's gone. It's just a mess in there, and as much as I love an organized room, I cannot believe I've let it get this bad. It's getting to the point where we can't find stuff, and we use things out of there all the time, with all these projects we've got going on.

I had a really nice visit with JP last night, he had the day off, and I stayed up late, it was so nice to see him and talk to him, and occasionally hear his voice. Things haven't been too bad, between school and projects here keeping me busy, and being able to talk to him often... Not a lot of time for sadness, just worry and missing him. We are shortly approaching "Half Way Day" and we are going to celebrate it like a freakin' holiday. The 22nd of June will be 9 months down, 9 to go. I can't believe it has been that long already, it seems to have flown by... And yet, some days, it just seems to drag. But May has gone quickly, I think school has had a lot to do with that, so hopefully the classes will keep the calendar flipping by.

I love you honey, more than anything or anyone
I miss you and I can't wait to get you back home where you belong.

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